Just about every direction one looks on the flats in Nauvoo there are scenes that bring peace to the soul. This particular one caught my eye.****
I grew up with one of these garden cultivators in Missouri and learned to use it well. It's a wonderful tool to keep the soil loose between the rows and to loosen the young weeds that tenaciously grow at the drop of a hat. It's also a great tool for teaching a boy how to work.****
The vintage cultivator shown is leaning against the fence of Brigham and Mary Ann Angell Young's property. Mary Ann is my 3rd great aunt and I always love to come to their home in Nauvoo. I feel welcome there.****
At the time of the Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph, Brigham was on a mission in the east. Mary Ann was with the Saints in Nauvoo. She wrote this tender letter to her husband, three days after Joseph and Hyrum were killed:****
®My Dear Companion. I set down to communicate a few lines to you at this time. My heart is full. I know not what to write to comfort you at this time. We have had great aftlictions in this place since you left home. . . .****
®You have now been gone allmost six weeks. I have not had a line from you since you left home. I have not time to write much now. We are in great affliction at this time.****
®Our Dear Br. Joseph Smith and Hiram has fell victiams to a vero-cious mob. The great God of the creation only knows whithe[r] the rest shall be preserved in safety or not. We are in tolable good health at presant. I have been Blessed to keep my feelings quite calm through all the storm.****
®I hope you will be careful on your way hom and not expose yourself to those that will endanger your Life. Yours in hast[e]. If we meet no more in this world may we meet where parting is no more. Farewell.”****
Seeing that cultivator on Mary Ann and Brigham’s fence reminded me that during those horrific days, all work ceased and there was only mourning.