Photograph of Deborah Baker My younger years were spent in the UK, we then moved to New Zealand where I attended college and later moved to Australia where I have spent most of my adult life. I studied Fine Art at the University of New Newcastle majoring in photography and painting.

My passion of portraiture started at a very young age. My parents looked after a boarding house (rent a room home) we often had interesting people stay with us for a while and then move on. One of these visitors left an impression on me that lasted a life time and was to effect my life forever.

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A desperate man knocked at our front door asking for a room to rent, the problem was he had no money to pay for the room, the only possession he owned was a large portrait of Jesus Christ. My father felt sorry for him and invited him to stay rent free.

When it came time for the man to leave, to show his appreciation he offered his one possession, the portrait of Jesus Christ.

That portrait travelled with us all over the world. As I grew older I realised that the man had been an alcoholic and that the portrait of Christ had helped him through some very tough times. The portrait was his only treasure yet he felt the need to offer his gratitude in the only way he felt he could. I loved that portrait and was impressed that this man had shared his love for his saviour with us.

3 products found in Deborah Baker

Christ in Gethsemane
Christ in Gethsemane
  • From $9.99
Tears in Heaven
Tears in Heaven
  • From $9.99
Reverently Quietly
Reverently Quietly
  • From $9.99