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Continue ShoppingThis painting was inspired during a time when I was battling my inner demons more than normal. It was a tender mercy to have this image come to mind along with the scripture "Fear not, they that be with us are more than they that be with them" (2 Kings 6:16)".
As I kept this image in my head the scripture repeatedly sounded in my mind. I needed that reassurance and comfort that regardless of my imperfections and weaknesses the Lord and His hosts in heaven are always on my side. Battling your demons, be they Depression, addiction, heart break, loneliness, weakness, physical/mental illness, literal Satan and his followers or *insert your demons here*, there are more on your team and more rooting for you than you know.
As Ezra Taft Benson said "There are heavenly hosts pulling for us - friendsin heaven that we cant remember now, who yearn for our victory." Lets choose the right side and fight those %$@#&! demons.
Reproduced from the artists original artwork of oil on board. Painted 2023.